Captain Access
Introducing the Captain Access Characters and their stories!
Meet Captain Access, Lila Adams and Mohawk Jones - our three aspiring athletes, who don’t let their disabilities become a barrier. They love playing sport and being active and you can too! Join the Captain Access team and Find an Activity that gets you excited.

"Hi, I'm Captain Access. At AAA Play we help people of all abilities get involved in all kinds of sport and recreation programs. Use our website to find an activity that’s right for you. Love Sport? Connect With Us"

Hi, I’m Lila. I love swimming thanks to AAA Play. Mum says I should have been a fish! I started swimming with my best friend and now I’ve met a lot of new friends. They say I’m a really fast swimmer. I love swimming, and I love AAA Play."

Hi, I'm Mohawk Jones. Last year I was hit by a car. Before the accident I was playing basketball every day. I didn’t think I would play again. AAA Play helped me find a basketball program and now I am back on the court and it’s awesome. Love Sport? Connect With Us."